10 Basic Parts of a Research Paper

 While drafting a research paper, one should be very careful about its structure, format, and parts. Ideally research paper consists of nine essential parts, but it can include some additional parts depending on the guidelines, requirements, or your instructor's choice. The basic principle to keep in mind while writing a research paper is to familiarise yourself, research others' works, and then try to format your ideas. Instead, you can always get professional research paper assignment help by asking an expert to write my paper for me.

research paper assignment help

Our research paper assignment help experts have listed all the basic parts of research given below:

Title Page:

Most of the time, the title page is referred to as the cover page. Under this section, you need to indicate the information of your institution, your name, the title of your research work, and other relatable information asked by your instructor.


Provide a brief background of your research by introducing the problem to your reader by answering some basic questions. Hence, an introduction is a summary of the purpose of your research paper.

 Review of Related Literature

Here you need to provide relatable readings from your previous works and a description of other authors' work. Make sure that your research materials are from credible sources and relevant to the topic. This section usually includes the author's name, the title, and the year of publication.

Conceptual Framework

Under this, you need to organize your concepts in a proper manner. It helps to understand the reason behind the project. A travel map can be an example of a framework.


Under this, you need to provide the method you will use in your project.

Data Analysis:

Here you will be analyzing data which is obtained from the chosen methodological operation.

Results of Data

Here you need to present the analysis based on the chosen methodology.

The implication of Data Analysis

Here you need to discuss your research result, its implications, and possible improvement. You also need to present its importance and contribution.


Provide a brief restatement, concluding all the other parts of your research paper.


Here, you need to list down all the references you have taken for drafting your research paper.


A related point should be placed in an appendix. These are the last few pages that will validate your conclusion and support your analysis. For instance, information can be in the form of figures, tables, graphs, etc. 

An incredible research paper assignment help enables you to draft it nicely. So you don't need to worry and research everywhere; instead, just type on Google write my paper for me, and you get the option of the top experts.



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